Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I attended a friend's wedding yesterday and we had a tough time finding a gift for him. Due to lack of options and time, a lot of us suggested that we buy a gift card. In the end however, couple of my friends drove a little farther and bought a digital photo viewer. I couldn't help but wonder about its utility let alone the relevance and durability in an age where you can find an explosion of hitech phones, tablets and what have you. 

Gift card, on the other hand, isn't such a bad idea after all. To me, gift card, is a way of saying "I dont know what to buy for you or I have little time to do it. I definitely don't want to waste the money - neither by me nor you. So, there you go!" So I am not entirely against the idea. I personally have a gift card of ~ Rs.4000 which I got two months ago and am yet to spend. But I like the fact that I can spend it on whatever I like. The only downside to the idea of gift card is that there is no personal touch to it. Many of the gifts I receive, I hold very dearly to them for a long long time. I think this is a true with a lot of people too. So, missing out on such an opportunity is, perhaps, not very wise. Anyway, as a last minute thing, gift-card is the way to go, I am convinced.

While discussing about what would make a good gift, I suggested one of my friends that we should put up a wishlist and then make life easy for those who want to gift us on any occasion. And thats how we finally arrive to the central part of this post - my wishlist.

  • All items listed here except the binoculars: link
  • Arches Hot Press sheets. Used to be available in Landmark, Hyderabad.
I cant think of anything else that I am dying to have. But will keep this updated should I remember something.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Well hello there!

I cant remember in what fit of rage (or sudden excitement) I started this blog. Only thing I remember is that after being blown away by The Dark Knight, Joker in particular I decided to give this weird name to the blog. Go figure! Incidentally, The Dark Knight Rises released last Friday(July 20th, 2012)

Clearly, I had no idea or discipline about keeping this space updated. With the number of mails I punch away on a daily basis, putting my thoughts down in this space should be a fairly easy task for me. I must mention the reason I decided to dust my blog. After a chain of links, I landed on this article by Steve Yegge which convinced me that putting my thoughts on anything that interests me might not be a bad idea after all. The fourth point he mentions might be a little tough to overcome. Honestly, I thought thats what blogging is all about.

Will pen my thoughts soon on something and be back. 

Note to self: Set a reminder so that you will return to this before another 3 years :)