Monday, July 23, 2012

Well hello there!

I cant remember in what fit of rage (or sudden excitement) I started this blog. Only thing I remember is that after being blown away by The Dark Knight, Joker in particular I decided to give this weird name to the blog. Go figure! Incidentally, The Dark Knight Rises released last Friday(July 20th, 2012)

Clearly, I had no idea or discipline about keeping this space updated. With the number of mails I punch away on a daily basis, putting my thoughts down in this space should be a fairly easy task for me. I must mention the reason I decided to dust my blog. After a chain of links, I landed on this article by Steve Yegge which convinced me that putting my thoughts on anything that interests me might not be a bad idea after all. The fourth point he mentions might be a little tough to overcome. Honestly, I thought thats what blogging is all about.

Will pen my thoughts soon on something and be back. 

Note to self: Set a reminder so that you will return to this before another 3 years :)

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